Monday, November 12, 2018

Fly on High

Candyography: Fly on High


        Hi, it’s our pleasure to welcome you all to CanDyKlickZ blog. We are delighted for the reception (1100+ views๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜) that given by you. We never expected this much reception ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค— for our mobile photographic collection. You people made us fly on high. So, in this post we decided to write “FLY ON HIGH” as a topic for you.

CandyKlickz: interesting facts of fly
Mobile Photography: Fruit Fly - Drosophila melanogaster


Definition of Fly


        If you check the definition for the word FLY, you will get an answer like ‘moves through the air.’ This candyography post is all about the insects that are moving through the air. Yes, we are going to fly with the family of flies in this post. Flies are everywhere. We have encountered at least 2-3 kinds of flies on our daily life. It may be a common house fly or mosquito or horse fly or some other Diptera.๐Ÿ˜Š

Shall we fly with flies????


        Flies are in every corner of the globe. Flies are the insects with two forewings to flight and two small wings to balance the acceleration and movement in the air. These kinds of flies come under the categorization of Diptera. Diptera is a Greek word, “Di” means “two” and “pteron” means “wings”, so two-winged insects. The flies that are come under the Diptera order is called true flies. Around one million fly species are existed in the world that includes our house fly, dragonfly, hover fly, fruit fly, blow flies, and etc., although only about 150000 species have a published description.

        The phylogenetic analysis suggests that the flies have existed even before the period of Permian. It’s about 260 million years ago. Dipterans have a long history. Flies are the example for one of the greatest evolutionary success in all kind of environmental conditions and situations.

Candyography: house fly photoshoot
Mobile Photography: House fly - Musca domestica

        In this post, we are going to discuss only three fly species such as common house fly, fruit fly, and green bottle fly.

Uninvited visitors


        Flies are headache for many of us because of its nature of infecting food items and buzzing sound. The flies will not move from its food even you try to slap or shoo shoo it, that won’t work. It will move for that second and again came back to the same place. It always looks for an opportunity to sneak on the food items and other things around us. These uninvited visitors start walking, Buzzing, feeding, vomiting, pooping, and lay eggs all over the places wherever it lands. It is not only a nuisance, it also a prime transportation medium for the disease spreading gems which can cause tuberculosis, Typhoid, amoebic dysentery, leprosy, etc.,. A body of the fly is a transportation vehicle for millions of bacteria which are capable of spreading diseases.๐Ÿ˜จ๐Ÿ˜จ๐Ÿ˜จ



Some interesting revelations about flies


        We hate flies, am I right? But surprisingly, genetically speaking, humans and flies are alike. As per the research results of the NASA, around 61% of the human disease genes matched with the “fruit flies” and also around 50% of the protein sequence of flies have the similar structure of mammals.๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ˜‡

        360 Degree Vision: Flies have compound eyes with thousands of tiny lenses, approximately 4000 lenses in each eye that allow the fly to see all 360 degrees at once. Each lens operates independently, so flies receive large numbers of information from different points simultaneously. That is why it’s harder for us to swat or catch a fly๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€.

       Great Mathematician & Quick Decision Maker: Despite having tiny pin brain, within 100 milliseconds it calculates the location and distance of the threat and it comes up with the plan to escape and it positions its legs and hops out through the safest way. The sensory response is very high with the fly. California Institute of Technology researchers suggests that this calculation, planning, decision making and the final action all happen within 100 milliseconds ๐Ÿ™€๐Ÿ™€. The brain of fruit fly has  around 100000 active neutrons.

        Liquid Diet: Common house fly doesn’t have a mouth part๐Ÿ˜ถinstead it has a straw kind of tube or spounge part. It can eat only liquid foods ๐Ÿฅค so while having solid food it vomits๐Ÿคฎ a saliva on the food that can absorb the nutrients and convert solid to liquid food, and then fly suck up the saliva liquid and nutrients again. Fruit fly they don’t eat fruits instead it consumes funguses, bacteria, and sugar from rotting fruits ๐Ÿ‡ and vegetables.

#MObile_photography: Facts about fly
Mobile Photography: Green Bottle Fly - Lucilia sericata

       Wine Picker: The study of Standford university shows that Fruit flies are really great at selecting the fruitiest beer๐Ÿพ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿท with high yeast. The study also suggests that fruit flies feel pleasure while drinking alcohol.๐Ÿบ๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜‹

Mobile Clicks: fruit fly
Mobile Photography: Fruit Fly

        Buzzing - Flapping: The buzzing sound coming from the flies are the sounds of its wing beating. Normally the wings beating range of fly varies from 200 – 2000 per second according to the species. House fly beats around 200 times per second. Fruit fly can beat up to 250 times per second. Speed: The flight speed of house fly is 7 miles per hour. A horse fly can travel up to the maximum speed of 90 mile/hour.๐Ÿ™€๐Ÿ™€๐Ÿ™€

        Taste with the feet: House flies, fruit flies, and blow flies use their foot to taste the food. They have their taste bud on its legs and feet. If fly wants to taste some food, then they just step on it. ๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜ต๐Ÿ˜ต

       Defecate a lot: House flies defecate ๐Ÿ’ฉ almost once in every 3 minutes. Whenever it lands on something, it defecates. No matter where it lands, it even poops on its own food. Because it has a quick digestive system, and it takes only liquid food. So, defecation is a nature of fly. So never keep your food open, otherwise, you have to eat a poop of fly๐Ÿคช๐Ÿ˜ท๐Ÿ˜ท.

        Reproduction: Flies reproduce very quickly. Normally the lifespan of house fly is around 20 to 30 days and fruit fly is about 30 to 50 days. The house fly can lay an average of 120 eggs ๐Ÿฅš๐Ÿฅš๐Ÿฅš at once and in its lifetime, it can lay around 500 to 700 eggs. The fruit fly can lay from 500 -2000 eggs in its life time. The green bottle fly can lay from 180 to 250 eggs at a time.

        Filthy Birth: We humans rush for a good hospital to give birth๐Ÿ‘ถ. But flies do have other disgusting option. They lay their eggs in rotten organic matters, human feces, animal dong, rotten corpse or carcasses, and etc.,.๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

Importance of Flies๐Ÿ‘‡


        Not all the flies are bad and also not all the activities and habitual behaviors are bad. It also has some good qualities and has a strong role in the ecological system.๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š

       ** Despite of having its disease-carrying behavioral nature, it is playing a critical and strong role in nature. Flies serve as scavengers and decomposers to clean up the environment. The house flies and fruit flies consume the nutrients in rotten organic things and also the larvae of flies are act as a fastener for decomposing the rotten things. The green bottle flies lay an egg on the feces, corpse, carcasses. The eggs hatch in one to three days and the larvae ๐Ÿ›๐Ÿ› begin to feed the matter where it hatched.

candyography: importance of fly
Mobile Photography:- Green Bottle Fly (Blow fly)

       ** Fly larvae are used as a biomedical tool to treatments for wounds. The larvae of bottle fly are used in the Maggot debridement therapy to remove the dead tissues from the wounds.

       ** Flies serve as a pollinator for several plants. Hover flies, Blow flies and fruit flies are helps to pollinate the plants that doesn’t have the nectar to attract bees. Though it is not that much efficient to carry a pollen, it serves to the best. Flies not cared about the colors or scent of the flower. Most of the scentless flowers like red trillium, wild ginger, jack-in-the-pulpit, and some orchids are pollinated by true flies.

       ** Flies and larvae itself act as an important food source ๐Ÿฒ for birds, reptiles, spiders, frogs, fishes, and some insects. Fishermen are using larvae and frozen or dried fly to feed the fishes. Flies contains high protein in their body.

       ** I already told that flies are having genetically similar disease genes like humans. Its similar gene sequence and quick reproduction life cycle give an opportunity to the NASA researchers to take the fruit flies as substitutes for humans๐Ÿ˜ฒ๐Ÿ˜ฒ๐Ÿ˜ฒ . Flies are about to genetic models for astronauts. Maybe, it is a time for NASA to pack bananas and rotten organic things matters with ISS supply rockets. ๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜œ For more details visit NASA.

Mobile photography: importance of flies
Mobile photography: Green Bottle Fly

       ** Maggots found in dead bodies are useful in a forensic ๐Ÿ•ต️ study. It helps to find the time of death because maggots of different species of flies visit corpses after the well-defined time of the death of the victim.



        We hope you enjoyed reading this post. We will give our best on next upcoming posts. In this post, we just gave the information about house fly, fruit fly and green bottle fly. We will continue this FLY ON HIGH for other fly species like the dragonfly, mosquito and certain true flies depend on the images we captured. We are expecting suggestions, criticisms, appreciations and continuous support from you all. Thank you….๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

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